Who are we
Some say that Jesus really suffered when he strutted down Golgata with his headband made of vegetables… However, the people who claims that have not been a supporter of Hull City. That´s suffering in its truest form.
We are a group of random people scattered across the Nordics. The size of the group won´t scare any invaders off, but we are closing in on double digits.
The misfits
This is the board. It won´t win any beauty pageants but the heart is in the right place… And at the end of day, that is all that counts.
The Chairman
Since the group is on a very tight budget, this is what you end up with as a chairman. Will do the job for a half eaten bag of crisps and a stale pint of beer.
The Accountant
We basically don´t have any money so we don´t need someone to look into our empty account. But every serious company has an accountant, and so do we.
This could be you. We are always open for new applicants. Provide your CV and place it just outside your door and let the wind take care of the rest. We´ll get back to you…